Caribou Software

Giving you the Edge in Business

  Canada: 780-448-2780 ext 1  US: 850-532-6206 ext 1

Introducing Web Ticketing

Tired of scrambling to collect paper time sheets or field tickets at payroll cut-off?

Caribou's Web Ticketing is a web-based electronic field ticket system that integrates directly with your Contractor's Edge back office software system.

Field workers use a laptop or tablet to enter their field tickets which can include time, equipment and materials. Typically a supervisor enters a field ticket for their crew. This can be done entirely offline! When back within internet service the tickets can be submitted to the head office where the back office staff import and review the tickets.

Bring your business information to a whole new level of efficiency and accountability with Caribou's Web Ticketing.

What makes Web Ticketing such an obvious next step?
  • Skip the paper, and enter field tickets electronically the day the work is done.
  • Eliminate the costs of wasted gas and time spent collecting field tickets from remote workers.
  • Eliminate expensive pre-printed field-ticket books.
  • Eliminate data re-handling and free up office staff to perform more valuable tasks.
  • Web Ticketing is web based and works offline, so field workers can use a laptop, iPad, or other tablet to enter field tickets on-site. (It will work on a phone, but isn't ideal due to screen size). An internet connection is only required to download updated lists from the back office system before going out to the field, and for submitting the tickets when they are back.
  • Search your parts list downloaded from the back office and add materials to the ticket as you go. No more interpreting hand-written notes!

Main Page


Users can cache the web-app for offline use and add tickets even from the most remote locations. Un-submitted (Open) tickets are listed on the main page.

Configurable Electronic Field Ticket

Configurable Field Ticket

Field Tickets can be configured to collect various bits of "header" level information. As well as tracking Hourly & Non-Hourly Labour, Hourly & Non-Hourly Equipment, Parts/Materials and Third Party Charges. These can be tailored to meet your needs. Click the image above to open the gallery and view all the ticket tabs.

Configurable Electronic Field Ticket Configurable Electronic Field Ticket Configurable Electronic Field Ticket Configurable Electronic Field Ticket Configurable Electronic Field Ticket Configurable Electronic Field Ticket
Ticket History

Ticket History

Once tickets are submitted to the office they are moved to the Ticket List page. Review your ticket history or even copy an old ticket for use as today's template.

Isn't it Time to Rethink Your Field Ticket Process?

Call us today at 780-448-2780 for pricing, to schedule a demo, or for more information!

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